Association des Professeurs de Français de Serbie

Echanges - Lettre d'information de la FIPF - Juin 2013





Journal associatif "Salut! Ça va ?"


Le journal de l'association des enseignants de français de la région Amourskaya.


Ce document est proposé par le CREFECO,  Centre régional francophone pour l'Europe centrale et orientale de l'OIF - Organisation internationale de la Francophonie.


Les 5 et 6 juillet 2013, l'Association marocaine des enseignants de français organise un colloque.


La clôture du dépôt des candidatures est fixée au samedi 15 juin à minuit, heure de Paris. Dépêchez-vous !


Les XVIèmes SEDIFRALE, le congrès régional des professeurs de français pour l´Amérique latine et la Caraïbe, se dérouleront du 4 au 7 février 2014 au Costa Rica.

Ce congrès aura pour devise « le français naturellement » et traitera les principales thématiques de l'enseignement et de la recherche en français langue étrangère autour de six axes.


Connaissez-vous le site des professeurs de français ? Ce site de l'OIF est aujourd'hui animé par la FIPF. Il se consacre, depuis plus de dix ans, à l’enseignement du français dans le monde.


Savez-vous où se déroulent les XVIe SEDIFRALE, le congrès régional des professeurs de français pour l'Amérique latine et la Caraïbe ?



Du côté des associations



Financée par le Fonds d’Innovation Pédagogique de la FIPF, l’Association Sénégalaise des Professeurs de Français a organisé le concours Ecolo-poésie qui s’est déroulé du 29 septembre 2012 au 19 mars 2013.


L'inscription au colloque de Larache est ouverte. Les droits d'inscription sont de 500 dirhams. Rendez-vous sur notre site :




Suivez toutes les actualités de la FIPF sur:

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الطاقة الشمسية

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أنظمة السخان الشمسي
تحتوى على جزئين مهمين وهما مجمع الطاقة الشمسية وخزان المياه. هناك نوعان من انظمة السخانات الشمسية: النوع النشط (active) والنوع الاخر (passive)وهذين النوعين يوقوا بنفس عملية التسخين بالطاقة الشمسية ولكن النوع active اكثر تطور في عملية التسخين بالطاقة الشمسية لانه يمتاز بإمتلاكه مضخه للمياه + متحكم في عملية التسخين خلافاً بالنوع passive.

الطاقة الشمسية

تكنولوجيا الطاقة الشمسية من الطاقة النظيفة والموفرة للطاقة والتكلفة فمنها السخان الشمسي والذي يقوم بـ عملية تسخين المياه بالطاقة الشمسية. ومنها أيضا أعمدة إنارة بالطاقة الشمسية والتي تضئ اعتماداً على الواح الطاقة الشمسية والتي تنظم لها جهد التغذية الخاصة به وايضاً تجد مضخات المياه بالطاقة الشمسية وهي تقوم بضخ المياه اعتماداً على الطاقة الشمسية.

وبالنسبة لـ ألواح الطاقة الشمسية؛ هي طبقات من مواد كيميائية تستخدم لتوليد الكهرباء من أشعة الشمس الساقطة عليها وهي مصدر للكهرباء وتعد من الطاقة النظيفة والمتجددة خلافاً بمولدات الكهرباء الأخرى.

الطاقة الشمسية

تكنولوجيا الطاقة الشمسية من الطاقة النظيفة والموفرة للطاقة والتكلفة فمنها السخان الشمسي والذي يقوم بـ عملية تسخين المياه بالطاقة الشمسية. ومنها أيضا أعمدة إنارة بالطاقة الشمسية والتي تضئ اعتماداً على الواح الطاقة الشمسية والتي تنظم لها جهد التغذية الخاصة به وايضاً تجد مضخات المياه بالطاقة الشمسية وهي تقوم بضخ المياه اعتماداً على الطاقة الشمسية.

وبالنسبة لـ ألواح الطاقة الشمسية؛ هي طبقات من مواد كيميائية تستخدم لتوليد الكهرباء من أشعة الشمس الساقطة عليها وهي مصدر للكهرباء وتعد من الطاقة النظيفة والمتجددة خلافاً بمولدات الكهرباء الأخرى.


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This inner guide already knows the path you should take. It is working in unison with the universe to assist you in the process. But it is only released by the power of your intention. Think of intention as a flower blooming. As long as you are intending to find your niche, you will find it. mbt shoes online But if for any moment you doubt the process of this inner guide directing your path, the flower wilts and begins to die. Intention is the fuel that ignites the “Process of Unfoldment.” Inertia is the mbt nama fuel that destroys the “Process of Unfoldment.” As you take action, mysterious forces will go to work for you, when you use your power of intention. Circumstances, people, events and ideas will begin to flow to mbt shoes shopping you. Every encounter, will bring you a step closer to the unfoldment of your purpose.In the past few mbt shoes sale years the use of unstable (rocker-bottom) shoes has been a topic of hot debate. Researchers have suggested that using unstable shoes has the potential to improve static and dynamic stability during gait.1,2 Companies promoting unstable shoes have made substantial claims of health benefits and muscle toning outcomes that in many cases appear too good to be true. Examples include claims mbt sneakers that these “toning shoes” are burning more calories than conventional athletic shoes, toning lower limb muscles, improving posture, and reducing joint stress.3 However, to date, there is not enough evidence to confirm these shoe companies’ sizable MBT Beach claims. Some are now including disclaimers on their websites to indicate that certain assertions have not been clinically demonstrated.Do something you’re afraid of -- alone: If social situations make you feel anxious, then go to a party or a local event alone and introduce yourself to others. Begin with the goal and the affirmation “I will meet someone of interest here tonight” – and don’t leave until you’ve made it happen! mbt Take a road trip alone and go to another city. It’s the perfect excuse to talk to others you do not know. If you’re afraid of the dating scene specifically, then try a speed-dating event, which new mbt forces you to talk to a bunch of people in a short period of time, or a singles mixer. There are also “singles boat cruises” which might be a great way to break out of your mbt shoes clearance shell. As scary as it may seem to even consider doing something bold that requires you to step out of your comfort zone is, it is the fastest path to rapid growth. You will be amazed MBT Haraka at how your thought about the event, task or new experience is actually far greater than the reality of it. The reward will be increased confidence, a greater faith in your capabilities, and excitement for the next time that you embark on a similar experience.Don’t fear rejection: it is simply nature’s way of weeding out people or experiences that just aren’t for you. This part of life helps us dig deeper introspectively mbt shoes store locator to find our true strengths and differences.In fact, the shoe has been so successful that other shoe manufacturers have taken up the idea. The FitFlop, launched last year, claims to lengthen and tone the leg discount mbt Shoes with the sandal's built-in "micro-wobble board", which means the leg muscles have to work harder to stay balanced.The claims of the MBT manufacturers are pretty bold. With correct usage, they say, MBTs will activate neglected muscles, MBT Pata improve your posture and gait, tone and shape your body, ease back, hip, leg and foot problems and help with joint, muscle, ligament and tendon injuries. There have also been claims that MBTs can help get mbt sandals rid of cellulite and burn extra calories (although these claims are no longer made by the manufacturers, the rumour persists, which may be why MBTs are predominantly bought and worn by women).Correct posture adds grace MBT Fanaka and stature to one’s appearance. But great posture is so much more than just a cosmetic advantage. Alignment is vital to maintaining health and strength in musculature, circulation and breathing. It has an appreciable holistic effect mbt shoes on every system in the human body, optimizing efficiency like a fresh oil change. MBT streamlines and activates the body in motion and at rest.Masai Techology’s sole action can be approximated by balancing a rubber ball mbt sport about the size of a tennis ball under the sole of the foot. Constant input-response conditions your body to react more efficiently. Initial ground contact gives way to a rolling action, originating at a negative heel MBT Women Shoes position. This stretches your calf muscles, preparing them for the stress of movement. Then, the body straightens tip to toe, finding a center of balance mid-foot and follows through the step. An active, powerful gait will mbt shoes nyc be immediately noticeable to you and those around you. Healthy adults walking in the unstable shoe have a more dorsiflexed ankle during foot contact and throughout early stance compared to walking in a more traditional official mbt shoes stable shoe.9,11 Walking in an unstable MBT sandal also significantly increases ankle range of motion in both the frontal and sagittal planes compared to walking barefoot. 23 The clinical or therapeutic relevance of this increased range mbt womens shoes of motion, however, is still not clearly understood. Initial ground contact for the unstable MBT shoe occurs closer to the midfoot than the heel, as evident from a foot pressure distribution study that showed a reduction mbt footwear in mean plantar pressures for the posterior half of the foot and an increase under the forefoot and toes for a group of healthy individuals, compared to flat-soled training shoes.12

Early Canadian Green

Early Canadian Green Ecologist

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Born entirely in the fertile imagination of an English schoolboy, Archibald Stansfield Belaney, Grey Owl became the most famous aboriginal of his day. It was a role that Belaney developed, embraced and was consumed by until his death. He spoke passionately to the world when protecting wild spaces.

Belaney was born in Hastings, England in 1888. As a child he became fascinated by North American Indians (Aboriginals) and came to Canada in 1906.

Much of his time in 1907 to 1931 was spent in northwestern Quebec Abitibi region and northeastern Ontario Temagami9 and Bicotasing districts. As Belaney, he was a difficult man given in violent outbursts, battles with alcohol and minor brushes with the laws.

But almost from the day of his arrival in Tebagami, he embraced a native lifestyle, learning bush skills, becoming fluent in Ojibway and sliding gradually into the role of Grey Owl.

Be 1910, he had married Angele, young women from Bear Island, which is an Ojibway reserve in Lake Temagami. She was the first of his five wives and bore two of his three children. Jordan 5 Belaney suffered from claustrophobia however. Uncomfortable in marriage and prone to disappearing, he was not a factor in the lives of his children.

Perhaps the strongest influence of Belaney in his Grey Owl role was Gertrude Benard, a young Iroquois woman who became famous in Anahareo as Mrs. Grey Owl. She was a driving force behind his writing and his espousal of conservation as a way of life.

In his years with Anaharei Grey Owl write for American and British outdoor magazines, developed his stage personality and published books: The Men of the Last Fronteir, Pilgrims of the Wild, Nike Air Max 2015 Womens The Adventures of Sajo and the Beaver People and Tales of the Empty Cabin.

In 1931 as his fame soared, he and Anahareo moved first to Riding Mountain National Park in Manitoba, Canada, and then to Saskatchewan Prince Albert National Park. Here he continued writing and assisted in creating films about the beavers with which the couple shared several cabins.

During this time, he was in high demand for speaking engagements around the world. Grey Owl was a smooth and polished performer with a flair for the dramatic gesture.

By the mid 1930 Belaney seemed to have completed his transition into Grey Owl in both his public and personal life. But his true identity was well known in the Temagami area. In fact Britt Jessop, a young reporter with the North Bay Nugget, wrote a story revealing Grey Owl secret. His editor who was captivated by Grey Owl sat on the story until the day after Belaney death in 1938 when the revelation of Grey Owl true identity startled the world.

Whatever Belaney demons or weaknesses, Grey Owl the man he chose to become successfully created awareness of the conservation movement by Nike Air Max 2014 giving it focus and celebrity?

Speaking in England Grey Owl said democratic race of people can be legislated into a state of mind, whether it be on religion or conservation. Education of the public through the appeal to their sense of justice and economy, giving them a thorough knowledge of conservation by means of lectures, writings, moving pictures and actual demonstrations will accomplish more in one season than the most harshly enforced laws would ever do. Grey Owl was correct. The article is strictly for educational or entertainment purposes only and should not be used in any way, implemented or applied without consultation from a professional. Please read our Terms of Service for more information.

Dwyane Wade goes for NBA

Dwyane Wade goes for NBA Finals gold in new Jordan Fly Wade 2 colorway

Dwyane Wade will be looking for redemption in this year's NBA Finals as he tries to Jordan 5 get his second championship ring after last year's disappointing loss against the Dallas Mavericks. Despite the emergence of LeBron Nike Air Max 90 James as the alpha dog of the Miami Heat, deep down Wade knows that there will be times when he will have to bail out James when he goes into his inevitable funk. Wade might be the so called Robin of this dynamic, but when Robin is the one taking the last shot, expect people to go back to that familiar "whose team is it really" storyline.

Sneaker News

Another storyline that fans should be taking a look at is Wade's footwear. Despite being the Air Jordan flag bearer, Wade will also be unleashing a gold themed version of his signature shoe, the Jordan Fly Wade 2 EV. Dubbed Air Max 90 the "Gold Coin," Wade will probably be wearing this shoe if the Heat get to a title clinching game along with the special "Biscayne Bay" colorway that is designed for a victory parade. Nike Air Max 2011 Along with the Nike Air Max 2014 Kids golden Nike Zoom KD IV, Nike will be banging that theme in all throughout these NBA Finals.

Here is the official description of the Jordan Fly Wade 2 EV "Gold Coin," which is still available now for $145.

The Jordan Fly Wade 2 EV: Comfort and support for the hardwood

Boasting Flywire technology and a springy midsole, the Jordan Fly Wade 2 EV Men's Basketball Shoe delivers lightweight support and superior impact absorption.

Synthetic upper with Flywire technology for ultra lightweight support and a locked down fitFlex grooves along the outsole for natural range of motionReinforced toe box for durability and comfort

Dior to offer virtual access to its shows this JuneThe Fashion industry has often been slow to adapt to the changes that technology is bringing to Jordan 3 the industry as a whole and until recent tech companies merging with fashion brands were almost.

Obama said the United States

Obama said the United States will clear commitment not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries

WASHINGTON, April 5 (Reporter Du Jing Wang Fengfeng) US President Barack Obama said on Tuesday, the US government will reshape the nuclear strategy, a clear commitment not to occhiali oakley comply with 'the NPT' non-nuclear countries to use nuclear weapons Obama told ' The New York Times 'interview, said that the US government will in the latest' Nuclear Posture Assessment 'Report on the use of nuclear weapons under any circumstances to make further restrictions, undertake not to comply with' the NPT 'non-nuclear countries to use nuclear weapons, even if these countries the use of chemical or biological occhiali oakley weapons attack the United States or to US launch cyber warfare Obama also said that Iran, North Korea and other violations of or withdraw 'the NPT,' the country is not the United States government commitments contained in target countries oakley a frame not to use Oakley Occhiali da sole per uso quotidiano 2015 Occhiali Da Sole uomo nuclear weapons 'NPT' 1970 3 entered into force on March 5, the main contents are: nuclear states shall not transfer nuclear weapons occhiali oakley to Oakley Occhiali da sole per uso quotidiano 2015 Occhiali Da Sole uomo non-nuclear countries or other nuclear explosive devices, nuclear states guarantee not to develop, do not accept and does not seek Oakley Store ufficiale Sweep to acquire nuclear weapons, cessation of the nuclear arms race and nuclear disarmament and other White House spokesman Robert Gibbs announced on the 5th, the Obama administration will announce 'Nuclear Posture Review' report on the 6th. Prepared by the Pentagon's 'Nuclear Posture Review' report should have been submitted to Congress in December, but postponed several times due to various reasons, said Obama, the new US nuclear strategy is to achieve part of its 'nuclear-free world' vision. Obama last April in the Czech capital, Prague, said in a speech that the US government will work to promote the establishment of a nuclear-free world, and will gradually reduce the importance of the process of nuclear weapons in US national security strategy in March this year, the United States and Russia on Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms reach a new agreement, oakley radar path the two sides is scheduled to sign the 'last 20 years, the most comprehensive arms control agreement' in Prague on April 8.

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bacteria which have been manipulated genetically

The Importance of Genetics

Genetics is a branch of science that deals on scientific examination of genes, heredity and variations in organisms. The use of genetic knowledge can be traced to early civilizations when people relied on genetic information to improve the productivity of domesticated species of plants used for food such as corn, wheat and rice, and the species of domesticated animals.

The genetic influences were applied not only to increase the yields of crops. The agriculturist of the old time used genetic knowledge to alter species and produce traits such as being resistant to diseases and pest, while producing nutritious and healthful harvest.

Even in the modern time, the use of genetics is helpful in areas such as medical care and human Mens Puma Rodalban XC Shoes health. Scientists today consider the role of genes, including the defective genes, in their reaction towards drugs, with hope of providing the best and safest Women's Puma Sandals dose and type of drugs for illnesses, based on the patient's genetic makeup.

The pharmaceuticals also have benefited from it since the inception of genetics. Around the world today, the people who are afflicted with serious genetic illnesses reach 5%. A few of the diseases which are believed to have genetic component are diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular, asthma and hypertension. This means, that offspring can have the likelihood of contracting such diseases.

Advances in molecular genetics Mens Puma Basket Shoes Cheap Puma Shoes allowed scientists to earn Women's Puma Lazy Insect Shoes insights into the nature of serious illnesses like cancer. Likewise, they were able to come up with tools to fight many of these illnesses, and provide additional diagnostic tests.

In addition, through the knowledge on DNA and genetics, scientists are able Mens Puma BMW Sauber F1 to treat and prevent recurrence of Down's syndrome and PKU, able to provide more effective antibiotics especially the antibiotic resistant bacteria.

The field Mens Puma Football Shoes of bioengineering has been employing genetic knowledge to directly modify the genetic material of an organism through procuring new genes and new genetic traits. This is done by permitting the segments of DNA to be transferred to different locations or be removed from the DNA molecules. It is also examining the human growth hormone for treatment of dwarfism. Insulin, too, is a product of genetics through modified bacteria. In order to produce foods and drugs, they are synthesized from fungi and bacteria which have been manipulated genetically.

The human Women's Puma Michael Schumacher gene directs the construction and constitution of the cells. The genes are found on the Mens Puma Ducati Shoes DNA. One strand of DNA has thousands of genes which are in control of the human body and how what body parts are created. The DNA decides the color of the person's skin, eyes, hair. It is also responsible for the physical and mental attributes of the person. A person is what he is based on his DNA. Even the sex is determined by the genes. And each part of the human body contains its own body pattern, the outcome of which is due to the Mens Puma Drift Cat Shoes genes termed as the homeotic.

Genetics is among the frontiers of science in the modern era. Understanding its importance can lead to understanding of the organisms surrounding us, including the mankind.

5 Important Things To Know

5 Important Things To Know When Nike Lebron Shoes Growing Orchids

When growing and caring for orchids, it's very important to know the proper conditions in which orchids grow. Most species of orchids originate from tropical locations around the world. If your like most of us, you probably don't live in the tropics, but an understanding of tropical climates and conditions goes a long way to understanding how to care for orchids. Once you know how, growing and caring for orchids is easy and very rewarding.

Many believe that growing orchids are difficult, but this is simply not true. Although some species of orchids require additional attention, most types especially the more common ones, are very easy to grow and care for. With over 30,000 orchid species and another 100,000 hybrids, everyone can find a type of species that can easily grow and thrive in their own environment. Orchid care is not difficult. It's not rocket science and you don't need advanced degrees to successfully grow healthy and beautiful orchids. Once you know the essentials to caring for orchids you'll be rewarded with their beauty year after year.

1. Locate your orchid beside a window where it's warm and gets plenty of daylight sunshine. As a inexpensive type of artificial light, you can use fluorescent lighting. It's important, however, to leave Nike Lebron Shoes sufficient space between the lamp and plant so you don't burn the leaves.

2. Orchids thrive in temperatures between 55 degrees and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (13 degrees and 27 degrees Celsius). Orchids outside of these Nike Dunk temperatures will loose their buds and will not bloom.

3. Orchids love high humidity so it's important to keep them in an area that has sufficient humidity levels. With this said, it's also important Nike Free 4.0 V2 not to over water Men Air Max 2014 Leather as this will kill the blooms due to root rotting. When you re pot your orchid shortly after bringing it home, make sure the new pot provides adequate drainage. Thoroughly water your orchid and let the water drain so that the roots aren't left soak in water. The main thing to keep in mind is that the Nike Air Max 2014 Mens orchid potting mix Nike Free 4.0 needs to be moist.

4. It's not necessary to fertilize your orchid while it blooms, but it is important to fertilize while the plants getting ready to bloom. It's during this cycle that the plant needs the most nutrients. Once in bloom, you don't need to fertilize. The most important thing to know about fertilizing orchids is to avoid fertilizers that contain the compound urea. Orchid's nutritional needs are different than crops and common household plants that make urea ideal for Sneaker Online their specific needs.

5. Keeping your orchids in bloom for the longest period of time requires pruning while it's in bloom. Once properly pruned, you'll see a second bloom that would not have developed without your pruning.

Many types of orchids do require special needs and consideration, so it is important to learn the needs of the particular specie of orchid you wish to grow and Nike Lebron Shoes care for. What makes orchids so desirable? It's not just one thing but Nike Kobe Shoes several. They have a rich history, they are exotic plants, they have such a wide variation, and they're simply beautiful. Giving your orchid the proper care will keep them healthy and blooming year after year.

Among the easiest orchid to care for is the Phaleanopsis. No it's not a dinosaur, but a beautiful orchid that blooms white or purple flowers. It's popularity lends itself to the fact that it is one of the easiest specie of orchid to care for.

With the proper and right amount of care and attention, you'll be able to grow beautiful, healthy orchids year round, orchids that will display a full, colorful bloom throughout the blooming season.

6 Significant Strategies To

6 Significant Strategies To Take When Working On A Science Project

To begin with, you really should perform is think about exactly what theme you should handle in your own project. No matter if it's earth science or behavioral science, you will discover a broad array of subject matter which could be analyzed for any science project. Be certain to pick the one that you find personally exciting.

Identify as much as you can in relation to the topic

When you have a matter in your mind, you need to get background facts on it. Research scientific theories and principles which might be applicable to your study. You may also choose to examine potential mathematical computations that could aid your own project.

Upon getting an acceptable perception of your subject matter, you must make a hypothesis Nike Air Max Mens for it. A hypothesis is a scientific guess which is supposed to explain the probable outcomes of the Designer Shoes experiment. The hypothesis must be correctly made as well as clear as it could be the grounds for your own research.

Check the Nike Air Jordan XIV 14 Retro Womens hypothesis utilising an experiment

The experiment phase of the project is used to evaluate the hypothesis you produced. The experiment really should include Nike Mens Casual Shoes a control subject and other subjects that you could expose to changes. The control subject won't be subjected to any kind of trials because it could be applied as the foundation for evaluation. As for the other subjects, you need to definitely introduce changes to it Nike Air Jordan XIV 14 Retro Womens Nike Zoom Terra Kiger one factor at the same time. For example, if you're contrasting the effects of various levels of sunlight on two potted plants, it is important to simply change the sunlight degree and keep other aspects including the quantity of water and also fertilizer used continuous and the same. You'll need to try your experiment a couple of times to ensure that the final outcomes findings are Nike Blazer Mens Shoes specific.

Pick up the details that Air Jordan 3.5 Spizike results from the experiment

The experiment stage could provide information that you can examine. Gather as well as record the information that you get, such as any kind of modifications to your subjects. You could take photos of your subjects to present Nike Lunar 4.0 visual documentation and enable you to better assess them. Ensure the data you acquire is complete and also clearly written because you must refer to it for your analysis and also conclusions.

Review the details to produce judgment

After completing the experiment and getting all relevant facts, you will have to perform an evaluation of it to help you to produce a conclusion. In essence, examination will help you discover what you have learned from the experiment. The evaluation will even help you to evaluate if the details sustains your hypothesis or disproves it. Don't make an effort to manipulate your details even if it disproves your hypothesis. The most important thing is that you have Jordan Bel Air learned something from the project you carried out. Once you have reviewed your details, you may draw your conclusions.

You can make the most out of your science project by being systematic in the method you use to carry out your experiment.